Resolve User Address

Description: This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the user's address by providing their identifier, network, and token. The identifier can be a phone number, Telegram username, email address etc. The response will provide the corresponding address associated with the user on the specified network and token.


Method: GET



- (optional) x-partner-token: "<partner_uuid>"


- id: "<user_identifier>"
- network: "btc"
- token: "btc"

Replace <partner_uuid> with the actual partner id, this header is used to attribute transaction to specific partner and accrue reward.

Replace <user_identifier> with the actual identifier of the user (Telegram username, email address, or phone number).

Response: The response will be a JSON object containing the user's address on the specified network and token.

  • The response will include the following properties:

    • userId: Unique user identifier (uuid),

    • network: Specified network,

    • address: The user's address on the specified network,

    • extraId: Memo / Destination tag [only for currencies with memo/dt support, e.g. XRP],

    • extraIdTitle: Name of memo / destination tag [only for currencies with memo/dt support, e.g. XRP]

  • If the provided identifiers are invalid, the response will include an error message.

Example request:

GET /v1/resolve?id=351408864281?network=xrp?token=xrp

Example Response:

  "userId": "b1ead417-7e5c-4b0e-b408-d7a78a8d9b61",
  "network": "xrp",
  "address": "rEbmMQfw4kU78TPe2ZVhjWHUnxsHtaXhRC",
  "extraId": "228262432",
  "extraIdTitle": "Destination tag"

Last updated